
Larry Hogan, Republicans’ Dream Senate Majority-Maker: Mounting Conflicts of Interest Shadow Hogan’s Senate Bid

Oct 18, 2024

The fallout continues for Hogan after bombshell reporting that he directed taxpayer dollars to family members and business partners

Welcome to “Larry Hogan: Republicans’ Dream Senate Majority-Maker,” an update on the latest news on self-described “lifelong Republican” Larry Hogan. 

Marylanders are reading about how Larry Hogan – the first governor in MD history to make millions while in office – directed taxpayer dollars to his firm’s listed clients and his own family as governor…

  • BREAKING: A CORRUPTION BOMBSHELL, PART 2: TIME MAGAZINE: “HOGAN APPROVED MILLIONS FOR STEPMOTHER’S PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT AS GOVERNOR.” Today, Time reported that Hogan voted to spend more than $16 million in competitive state funds on developing his own family’s property, which “paved the way for the ultimate sale of the property.” Multiple administration officials “described Hogan’s involvement in the [approval] process.”

  • HOW MARYLANDERS ARE REACTING: “VERY DISAPPOINTED,” “HUGE NEWS,” “THERE ARE CLEAR QUESTIONS.” Marylanders from across the state are calling out Hogan’s “real, serious conflicts of interest” as “quite disturbing,” while key members of the state legislature are vowing to prioritize new ethics rules in a direct response to Hogan’s suspicious business dealings.

  • MARYLAND LEADERS CALL FOR ANSWERS. WBFF: “MARYLAND DEMS. DEMAND TRANSPARENCY FROM SENATE CANDIDATE HOGAN.” Senator Chris Van Hollen, Rep. Jamie Raskin, State Senator Cheryl Kagan, and State Senator Jeff Waldsteicher held a press call Thursday to demand Hogan answer for his mounting conflicts of interest.
  • SEN. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN: “These are not allegations. They’re clearly facts, and Larry Hogan should tell the American people and the people of Maryland exactly what happened.”
  • STATE SEN. CHERYL KAGAN: “We need an explanation for what’s happened in the past, and we need to know what Larry Hogan’s plan is for his personal dealings and his financial management and money-making sources if Marylanders were to send him to the U.S. Senate.”
  • STATE SEN. JEFF WALDSTREICHER: “One, why didn’t Larry Hogan recuse himself from votes that involved clients that had a financial relationship with his company? Two, will Larry Hogan recuse himself from any votes and funding requests in the U.S. Senate that would be conflicts of interest? And three, will Larry Hogan fully divest himself from his company to prevent further conflicts of interest?”

Republicans continue to see Hogan as key to taking the Senate majority…

ICYMI: Hogan got hit with an FEC complaint…

  • HOGAN SUPER PAC ALLEGEDLY BROKE CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAW. The Baltimore Banner reports that Hogan, Hogan for Maryland, and Hogan’s super PAC Maryland’s Future may have violated campaign finance rules through improper coordination. More coverage.

ICYMI: 1,700+ Maryland women called out Hogan’s anti-abortion rights record…

  • “OUR FREEDOMS ARE ON THE LINE:” More than 1,700 women from across Maryland, including every county in the state, sent an open letter to Hogan blasting his refusal to fight for abortion rights. The letter came on the heels of new reporting that Hogan “personally campaigned for” anti-abortion candidates who supported, and in some cases enacted, strict abortion bans. 
