Hogan could be the 51st seat Republicans need to make it easier to discriminate against LGBTQ+ Americans

Maryland Democrats Slam Republican Larry Hogan for Dismissing Concerns of LGBTQ+ Marylander During Telephone Town Hall

Aug 26, 2024

During a telephone town hall last week, Republican Larry Hogan dismissed concerns from an LGBTQ+ Marylander who criticized his well-documented record of refusing to stand up for LGBTQ+ rights. Here’s a reminder of Hogan’s real record on LGBTQ+ rights:

“Larry Hogan is no friend to the LGBTQ+ community,” said Maryland Delegate and Chair of the Maryland Legislative LGBTQ+ Caucus Kris Fair. “As governor, he refused to take a stand on basic legislation to protect LGBTQ+ Marylanders from hate crimes, stop discrimination against LGBTQ+ students and patients, or eliminate the so-called ‘panic defense’ that allows criminals to evade culpability when they harm LGBTQ+ people. Hogan is unfit to represent LBGTQ+ Marylanders in the U.S. Senate.”

“Republican Larry Hogan can’t rewrite history,” said Maryland Delegate and member of the Maryland Legislative LGBTQ+ Caucus Anne Kaiser. “Hogan made clear throughout his time as governor that he will not stand up for Maryland’s LGBTQ+ community. If elected to the Senate, Hogan could be the 51st seat Republicans need to push forward an agenda that’ll rip away rights from LGBTQ+ Marylanders.”

“Republicans need one more Senate seat to control the agenda,” said Maryland State Senator and member of the Maryland Legislative LGBTQ+ Caucus Mary Washington. “If Larry Hogan is elected, he’d turn the Senate over to Republicans and help roll back the progress that the Biden-Harris Administration has made to ensure that ALL families in Maryland have the protections we need. Our community can’t afford a Republican-controlled Senate flipped by Larry Hogan.”

See also: ICYMI: Republican Larry Hogan “Stayed On the Sidelines” When It Came to Protecting LGBTQ+ Rights as Governor [Baltimore Banner]