
Hogan is “No Friend to the LGBTQ+ Community” and Could be the 51st Seat Republicans Need to Attack LGBTQ+ Rights [The Advocate]

Aug 26, 2024

Hogan “evaded gay constituent’s question when asked about his record” opposing LGBTQ+ rights during recent tele-town hall

New reporting from the Advocate details how Republican Larry Hogan recently dismissed concerns from an LGBTQ+ Marylander who asked about his track record opposing LGBTQ+ rights, underscoring the risk Hogan poses to LGBTQ+ Marylanders if he gives Republicans the 51st seat they need to take control of the U.S. Senate.


The Advocate: Larry Hogan, Maryland GOP Senate Candidate, Evades Gay Constituent’s Question When Asked About His Record

August 26, 2024

By Trudy Ring

  • Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan… is actually no friend to LGBTQ+ people, say activists and elected officials from his state. In a recent teletown hall, he evaded questions on his record when asked by someone who identified as gay.
  • At that recent campaign event, the gay Marylander confronted him about his failure to sign some bills that would protect LGBTQ+ rights and people. Hogan alternately said he didn’t know what bills the person was referring to or that he didn’t oppose them and they became law anyway.
  • “I am a gay Marylander, and I’m very aware that as an ex-governor, there were many LGBTQ rights bills that passed without your signature, including laws that outlawed the LGBTQ panic defense,” the caller said in a recording obtained by The Advocate. “Your decision to not sign these bills is concerning to me, because I’m aware that in the Senate, many bills pass or fail by a single vote. So as a gay Marylander, how can I count on you to protect me and my peers?”
  • In 2014, while running for governor, Hogan told The Baltimore Sun’s editorial board he opposed a bill to ban discrimination based on gender identity and expression in employment, housing, and public accommodations.
  • As governor, Hogan failed to sign bills passed by the legislature expanding the definition of hate crimes to include those based on gender identity; prohibiting medical professionals and facilities from discriminating against patients for their sexual orientation, gender identity, or numerous other traits; banning the gay and trans “panic” defenses in assault and murder cases; making gender identity a protected characteristic; and several other pro-LGBTQ+ bills.
  • He also had to reissue an anti-bias order because his original order did not protect state employees from discrimination based on gender identity or marital status.
  • Hogan’s campaign website doesn’t include a section on LGBTQ+ issues. In contrast, Alsobrooks’s site section on “Equality” notes that as Prince George’s County executive, she appointed the county’s first LGBTQ+ liaison. “She will continue to stand up for the rights of LGBTQ+ Americans, including the right to marry, grow their families, and live free from discrimination, in the Senate,” the section continues. “She will strongly oppose Republican efforts to undermine equality and promote discrimination including the recent wave of anti-trans legislation in some Republican led legislatures. Angela believes we must speak out against anti-trans hate and violence, from bullying in our schools, to violent hate-based crimes, to discriminatory legislation.”
  • “Republican Larry Hogan can’t rewrite history,” Anne Kaiser, a member of the Maryland House of Delegates and the state’s Legislative LGBTQ+ Caucus, said in a statement to The Advocate. “Hogan made clear throughout his time as governor that he will not stand up for Maryland’s LGBTQ+ community. If elected to the Senate, Hogan could be the 51st seat Republicans need to push forward an agenda that’ll rip away rights from LGBTQ+ Marylanders.”
  • “Republicans need one more Senate seat to control the agenda,” added Mary Washington, a state senator who is also a member of the LGBTQ+ Caucus. “If Larry Hogan is elected, he’d turn the Senate over to Republicans and help roll back the progress that the Biden-Harris Administration has made to ensure that ALL families in Maryland have the protections we need. Our community can’t afford a Republican-controlled Senate flipped by Larry Hogan.”
