Joseph was a staunch advocate for young people to be involved in the political process and have a seat at the table. He loved the Democratic Party and consistently worked to improve it and ensure youth participation and representation. Before he passed, Joseph raised the idea of a program similar to the trustee program specifically for young Democrats. The Maryland Democratic Party is honored to roll out the Joseph L. Kitchen Jr. Young Professionals Program in tribute to him. The goal is to get young Democrats, under 40 years old, more involved and give them great programming, all while supporting the Maryland Democratic Party. This is an addition to the trainings, events discounts, and opportunities to serve on our Diversity Leadership Councils that are available to all young Democrats.
$2,400/year or $200/month
1 preferred VIP ticket to the annual gala - includes VIP reception and photo line voucher with special guest, 1 ticket to the annual legislative luncheon, Invitation to one trustee call per month, Commemorative Joseph L. Kitchen Jr. Young Professional pen
$1,800/year or $150/month
1 VIP ticket to the annual gala - includes VIP reception, 1 ticket to the annual legislative luncheon, Invitation to one trustee call per month, Commemorative Joseph L. Kitchen Jr. Young Professional pen
$1,000/year or $84/month
1 ticket to the annual gala - general admission, Invitation to one trustee call per month, Commemorative Joseph L. Kitchen Jr. Young Professional pen