
FACT CHECK: Republican Larry Hogan’s Real Record of Opposing Abortion Access

May 16, 2024

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Larry Hogan has a well-documented, extensive anti-abortion record in Maryland. Throughout his administration, Hogan repeatedly took action to oppose reproductive rights in the Free State, and as a Senate candidate he repeatedly refused to support legislation protecting Roe v. Wade and IVF while saying he will caucus with Republicans and give them the majority they need to pass a national abortion ban.

See for yourself:

  • CBS News: Maryland’s GOP Governor Larry Hogan vetoes bill to expand abortion access. “Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan vetoed a measure Friday that would expand access to abortion in the state by ending a restriction that only physicians can provide them and requiring most insurance plans to cover abortion care without cost.”

  • Axios: Maryland governor says he won’t release money for abortion training. “Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) said he will withhold $3.5 million in state funds budgeted to train new abortion providers in the state.”

  • NBC News: Larry Hogan declines to say whether he’d support a federal law to codify Roe v. Wade. “Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan on Thursday declined to say whether he would vote to protect in vitro fertilization or codify Roe v. Wade into federal law if Maryland voters send him to the Senate in November.”

  • VIDEO: Hogan refuses to say he would support federal legislation protecting access to abortion in a March 2024 interview with WJLA.

  • VIDEO: Hogan opposes Maryland’s 2024 ballot measure protecting abortion access for women, saying it “wasn’t really necessary” and that abortion is “an emotional issue for women.”

  • VIDEO: Hogan refuses to commit to opposing judges who would further threaten Marylanders’ reproductive rights.

  • VIDEO: Hogan laughs when pressed by Axios whether he would vote to codify Roe v. Wade.

  • Washington Post: During his very first run for office, Hogan ran on a constitutional amendment to ban abortion nationwide. “He supports a… passage of an anti abortion amendment to the Constitution.”

From Maryland Democratic Party Spokesperson Lindsay Reilly:

“Larry Hogan’s made clear: he’s a proud Republican recruited by Mitch McConnell to give them the majority to pass a national abortion ban and he has a long record of opposing reproductive freedom. That’s why he vetoed legislation to protect abortion access in Maryland. He’s not fooling anyone with this weak attempt to cover up the threat he poses to a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions”

