
QUICK CLIP: Larry Hogan Confirms National Republicans Are Propping Up His Campaign

Jun 12, 2024


June 12, 2024

CONTACT:  Lindsay Reilly, [email protected]


QUICK CLIP: Larry Hogan Confirms National Republicans

Are Propping Up His Campaign

Hogan: “We’re one of the highest priority races for the NRSC”

In case you missed it, Republican Larry Hogan confirmed yesterday that the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), an organization “solely devoted to strengthening the Republican Senate Majority,” is funneling money into the Maryland Senate race to help Republicans regain control of the U.S. Senate.

In a conversation with Fox Baltimore’s Mikenzie Frost, Hogan said that the NRSC sees Maryland as “one of [its] highest priorities” and that “that comes with funding.” Hogan, who was personally recruited by Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, has promised to caucus with Republicans and would help pass their extreme agenda, including a nationwide abortion ban.

Hogan’s statement echoes recent reporting that national Republicans, including Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and South Dakota Senator and GOP leadership candidate John Thune, are hosting fundraisers on Hogan’s behalf.

Watch for yourself.

Larry Hogan: Senator Daines is 100% behind our race. We’re one of the highest priority races for the NRSC.

Fox Baltimore: Will that come with funding?

Hogan: That comes with funding, yeah.