
ICYMI: Angela Alsobrooks Warns Against Trusting Larry Hogan on Abortion

May 23, 2024

Baltimore Sun: Angela Alsobrooks warns against trusting Larry Hogan on abortion

  • Maryland Democratic leaders warned against trusting U.S. Senate Republican nominee Larry Hogan’s recent abortion revelation, pointing to his legislative record and kinship with anti-abortion Republicans.

  • At a news conference… Democratic U.S. Senate nominee Angela Alsobrooks, Comptroller Brooke Lierman and members of the General Assembly attacked the former governor’s record on abortion, alleging that the Republican Party sees his election as the pathway to a federal ban.

  • “Actions speak louder than words,” Lierman, a Democrat, said. “Former Governor Hogan may think Marylanders have short memories. He may think we don’t know how to count to 51 in the U.S. Senate. But the people of Maryland and the women of Maryland have seen his actions.”

  • Until last week, Hogan, who was recruited to run by U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, danced around addressing abortion access when questioned, calling it an “emotional issue.”

  • Alsobrooks, who has been endorsed by the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and Emily’s List, said she would co-sponsor federal legislation to codify abortion access on her first day in office.

  • “I’ve had the opportunity as a Maryland resident, but most specifically as a member of the House of Delegates, to have a front row seat to where Larry Hogan truly stands on issues of reproductive health and justice, and I can tell you I’m always going to trust my eyes and ears,” Del. Stephanie Smith, a Baltimore City Democrat, said. “He’s made it abundantly clear — loudly clear — that he does not stand with women.”

  • Hogan vetoed the Abortion Care Access Act in 2022, which requires the state to provide an annual $3.5 million to provide abortion care training to medical professionals who are licensed, certified, or otherwise authorized by law to provide medical care. It also made coverage of abortion care services under Medicaid permanent, and mandated that private health insurance companies cover those services without cost sharing or deductibles.

  • Following the Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade, Democratic lawmakers pushed for Hogan to release the funding to train medical professionals early. He declined.

  • “That’s a doubling down on opposition to abortion care and reproductive health and justice,” Smith said.

  • Hogan had said earlier this year that it’s unnecessary to enshrine abortion access in Maryland’s constitution.

  • “We’ve heard that term ‘settled law’ before, most notably by Supreme Court nominees when asked about Roe v. Wade and, unfortunately, we’ve seen how that played out,” abortion access advocate Wendy Frosh said Wednesday. “If the Republicans control the Senate, they will pass an abortion ban. They will appoint more judges who oppose abortion.”

  • Retired Judge Catherine “Katie” Curran O’Malley, the executive director of the Women’s Law Center of Maryland, said… that, though precedent set by the Dobbs decision allows states to create their own policies regarding abortion, the court would likely uphold a federal ban.

  • Regardless, State Sen. Shelly Hettleman, a Democrat from Baltimore County, said that Hogan’s verbal commitment to vote in favor of codifying Roe is a “Larry-come-lately, empty statement.”

  • “Mitch McConnell recruited Larry Hogan for one reason and one reason only: to give Republicans the majority in the Senate. And, if they get that majority, they will make good on their promise to pass a national abortion ban,” she said. “The women of Maryland cannot afford it.”
